The Cons of Shampoo

Shampooing is something that should be done on a as needed basis.
The sulfates it contains strips  the hair of everything, including natural oils.
To protect your hair, whether is natural, relaxed or texlaxed always apply an oil First, I personally use olive oil.

When do you shampoo? Only after a relaxer..that is the only time i need to strip my hair to be sure all chemicals are removed.

Do you put olive oil on your hair before a relaxer? Yes, especially on previously relaxed hair to prevent overlapping.

What about protein? Again, I only use protein after all relaxer is removed through the neutralizing shampoo. Then I use protein by monthly or as needed. 

I determine what my hair needs by how it's sheds and feels before and after washing it. Never just throw protein in your hair that could cause more breakage. I've been there done that got the t-shirt.

Follow me on Instagram if you have any questions.. That's the best way to reach me!!


Which product are you currently using for protein after relaxer? Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor..I leave it on for the 2 minutes.  Always follow up protein with a deep moisturizing conditioner for 30+ minutes add oils as well like olive and Castor oil to conditioners.

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