Avoiding direct heat as much as possible will improve your hairs thickness and reduce breakage significantly.
Direct heat would come from things like, a flat iron or hot comb.
Indirect heat would come from a hooded dryer or bonnet dryer is a better option.
Air drying the hair is the best option overall though.
Let's talk about a quick regimen for someone who doesn't have a lot of time.
1. Buy or make a human hair wig
2. Co-wash hair weekly
3. Deep condition weekly
4. Add moisturizer all over braids followed by grape seed oil to seal in the moisturizer. Focusing on the ends First. Because that's the oldest and weakest part of the hair most prone to breakage (3x a week)
5.Braid hair in 2-4 cornrows
6. Apply wig
That's it!!
Perming..If I perm my hair in January I won't perm again until the the beginning of April. I would go longer in stretching my relaxer but my hair texture 4a just won't tolerate it! I.e breakage